Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Straight To DVD Non-Prequel, Sequel, and Musical Film Ideas

How were these not picked up?

Snakes in a Drain- A quiet, moving, character study starring Sammy L Jackson. Sam's character awakes one morning to find that after his shower, the tub simply will not drain. In a whimsical turn, he discovers the reason is that two emaciated, infant snakes having been abandoned by their mother, have hidden themselves in his drain pipe. Sam forms a parental bond with the snakes and nurses them to health. He becomes their caretaker, and touchingly begins to transform from a hard, cold, emotionless man, to a man of heart and compassion for two delicate creatures. But in an unexpected twist, Sam is betrayed by the very ones he cared for when he arrives at his parents' house one day to find the snakes fucking his mom. Those motherfucking snakes.

Alien vs Predator vs Godzilla vs Channing Tatum's Dance Moves vs Crocs vs Scott Pilgrim- A Political Thriller.

Forgetting Sarah Marshall: Faster and More Furiouser- Han is back, bitches! Sure he died in the third movie, but that didn't stop him from coming back in the fifth one. In the sixth installment of this high-octane franchise, Jason Segel and Han set out on a summer road trip to escape yet another heartbreak. But their plans are cut short when Vin Diesel says something in a really low voice, and then they drive super fast and shift more than is probably necessary. Paul Walker also dies. Finally.

Requiem for a Dream: The Musical- Come for the re-imagining of Weird Al's "The White Stuff", stay for "Your Love Is My Drug"

Life is Beautiful: in 3D- At an IMAX near you.

A Late Morning/ Early Afternoon with Kevin Smith- Kevin eats apple fritters as he trash talks Hollywood.

301- A heart-warming family movie, telling the story of 300 Spartans, and the one man who said "fuck this shit" when he found out the Persian army had roughly 1000 times more people. Hijinks ensue.

- Natalie Bell is really excited for Battleship: The Stone Hopper Origin Story. Alexander Skarsgard is back in the title role, which tells the story of the time his character was attacked at sea by pirates, and they stole all his clothes. This leads to his enlistment with the Navy, but in an administrative error, they lose all his clothes. He eventually gets them back, but then they burn in a fire. In 3D.

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