Wednesday, 1 August 2012

I Don't Know... Science?

This one's for you, Tommy.

I really like movies. I watch a lot of them. I also really like bad actions movies. Explosions? Yes. Cheesy one-liners? Yes! HOTT BODDS? YAASSSS!!! Steamy sexy-time* scenes? REPEAT VIEWINGS!!!!!!!!!!

And then throw in cars, boats, or cowboys, and you've pretty much got the best two hours of my week.

So this brings us to the upcoming entry in the Bourne series, The Bourne Lethargy, or whatever. Truth- I've never been a huge fan of these films. Maybe it's because I'll never believe Will Hunting as some sort of super-duper-ninja-spy. Super-smaht-math whiz-also purchaser of a zoo? Yes. I totally buy Matt Damon as an animal/apple enthusiast. But a Bond-ish type dude? He just doesn't have the quads for it.

Enter Jeremy Renner. I totally get what Elisabeth was going on about when she openly invited him to find the pot o' gold into her pants. I'd co-sign that statement! BY TAKING OFF ALL MY CLOTHES AND CHAINING HIM TO MY BED. 

But why? What is it about this guy that is so beguilingly, pants-off sexy? Is it science? 
I've been enjoying him in my dreams since Dahmer, WHERE HE PLAYED A SERIAL KILLER. Yeah, I know, that's messed up. 
And does anyone remember him in P!nk's Trouble video? Oh god, do I. HE WAS A BAD, SEXY COWBOY! A COWBADBOY!!!! Ugh, I need to go do some laundry.

Jer, I don't want to be too forward, but you have a standing appointment in my bedroom. Do me a favour and wear the cowboy hat, but not much else.

I'll be patiently waiting,


* Seriously, a horrendously bad movie/show can totally be redeemed by said HOTT BODDS stripping down and getting all up ons. True Blood pretty much relies on this. I mean, at this point does anyone even care about the fairies, Lilith Fair, or LOST's smoke monster's career revival, so long as we get to see Eric TAKING A LAP AROUND BOOM CITY?!?!? Of course not. I second what Eric said at the end of this week's episode, "What are you doing?" WHAT ARE YOU DOING, ALAN BALL? Where is the episode where my favourite Nordic vampire goes on a scorching-hot sex rampage?? I'm still waiting.

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